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Opening Thoughts
Strategic thought is an integral part of our world, whether in making big business decisions, navigating complex social webs, or understanding the theory and foundation of games where strategy drives their appeal. While poker is a game where strategy is one of the main driving forces behind its success, word games also use strategy and critical thought to inspire their audience to unlock answers and find their route to success.
How The Internet Changed Poker
Obviously, word game strategy is a broad term, and poker is an expansive term, too. Even before the internet, people enjoyed various poker games, including Texas Holdem, Badugi, five-card draw, and Omaha. These land-based games have vital distinctions that set them apart as their own standalone games. Still, the internet injected a new dimension of possibilities into both the poker and casino gaming worlds.
That’s not to say there isn’t still a significant market for physical poker and its strategy. However, the rise of online poker meant some variants we’ve just mentioned had to illuminate other areas of their gaming dynamics.
For instance, Omaha poker, which isn’t too dissimilar to Texas Holdem, apart from you receiving four starting cards instead of two, had to deal with a landscape where the art of bluffing and reading your opponent’s body language became far less important in determining the game’s outcome; it was all about the quality of your hand. Real money Omaha poker at a digital casino includes all the same rules, and again, just like other online poker variants, digital Omaha poker for real money emphasizes knowing the quality of your hand and weighing up the statistical likelihood of what your opponent has.
It’s a spin on a different game, where strategy is still as important, but you don’t get the opportunity to read your opponent’s body language, nor is psyching them out a factor.
Word Game Strategy
It doesn’t matter if you’re accessing a digital crossword or playing a popular spin-off version of more established games, such as Quordle; there’s a clear reward element to it. Problem-solving ability and strategic thought sit at the foundation of word games.
If you’re playing a crossword, you must ensure the word you select combines across the apex of the other related words on the grid. Likewise, if you’re playing Wordle, you need to be able to strategically rule out letters or combinations, given that you only have six opportunities to guess before the word is revealed.
While bringing up Wordle might seem very 2022, and the recent popularity of the smash-hit word game has dwindled over the last 18 months, there’s no disputing that there’s a clear strategic element to the game.
As with poker, you must think two or three steps ahead, especially for a crossword. Theoretically, starting with an incorrect word in a crossword can unravel and cause a series of mistakes and errors, sending you back to square one. A good strategic approach will ultimately save time and ensure that you develop a set of skills to approach strategic and problem-solving tasks more efficiently.
While it’s good to stay sharp with brain-busters, and some experts believe they’re beneficial for a cognitive function, with other experts thinking differently, there’s an obvious strategic element, and while poker incorporates other elements of both skill and guile, understanding the importance of strategy as part of a broader approach to gaming is a variable that will serve you well.
Comparisons In Poker Strategy
If you misread a hand in poker or weigh up the odds and think another player has a poorer hand than you, but they don’t, then this spells a lot of trouble. Strategic thought is vital in a variety of word games, as well as poker, and while the stakes are slightly higher in poker, especially if there’s money on the line, the point remains the same.
We’re not just talking about the record prize pools that we’ve seen in the World Poker Tour over the last couple of years; either you want to get your strategy right if you’re facing off in a friendly game with friends or family, even if you just have one or two dollars on the line.
There’s a crossover between composure and strategy, and while this is more true in poker, it’s also true when playing word games. So long as you do not get flustered when you can’t think of a word or if you have to take a backstep or two during a crossword, keeping strategy at the forefront of your approach will bode well.
We won’t say that poker and word games are in the same ballpark because they’re not really. Aside from the crossover in the strategic approach, they also attract different types of audiences and gamers. But there’s still a link there, and those who appreciate it are better positioned to approach either game.